Author: Carsten Höller
LED lights, LED bulbs, steel, laminated glass, stainless steel, digital control system.
In Light Corridor, each individual has their own experience, can interact with the work or simply observe it. The artist helps us to readdress our own perception of the temporary space. Two lit walls with several bulbs flutter at a frequency of 7.8 Hz join forces in synchronisation with our cerebral activity. Other lights contemplate the entire piece being lit up and switched off at another different frequency, at a slower rate, creating a hallucinatory optical effect. The exposure to light can affect our mood. The light’s blinking seems almost unnoticeable upon first glance, but after a while, the spectator experiences a variety of hallucinations and sensations. The sound pulsations are heard at the same frequency as the flashing of the lights. The piece has been put together by INELCOM and is a new sensorial experience on the part of the artist initiated in the public lighting system in the Pereda Gardens in Santander.