Iquitos, Perú, 1982.
Artist and teacher. Lives and works in Barcelona (Spain).
Lúa Coderch is a Catalan artist of Peruvian origin. She obtained a master’s in production and art research (2012) and a PhD in Fine Arts (2017) from the University of Barcelona. She has taught at several art schools and universities including the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona (UB), the School of Design of Barcelona (BAU), EINA, Barcelona’s University Center of Art and Design. In recent years she has received numerous scholarships and prizes including the DKV Prize for the Best Spanish Artist participating in Swab Barcelona (2016), the Lluís Coromines Foundation Award (2016), the BBVA Foundation Videoart Creation Scholarship (2015) and the Miquel Casablancas Prize (2015).
To create her work Lúa Coderch uses research not to become an expert on a particular topic but to explore the surface of things and the materiality of personal and historical narratives. She combines narrative and objectual practices in videos, performances, and installations which she configures as research devices. Her work focuses on the superficial, aesthetic, and phenomenological dimension of our shared life and its latent philosophical and political implications.
Among her solo shows we find The Stain, Centre d'art La Panera, Lleida (2021), La part de falta. Cicle: Obres els dipòsits. MAC, Mataró (2020), Lúa Coderch - Visiones Contemporáneas, DA2 - Domus Artium, Salamanca (2020) Vida de O (CentroCentro Cibeles, Madrid, 2018), Shelter, (Sala Multiverso Fundación BBVA, Madrid, 2018) The Rainbow Statement (Compositions, Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 2016), Night in a Remote Cabin Lit by a Keronsene Lamp (Àngels Barcelona, 2015), The air was full of anticipation (BF15, Lyon 2015), Or (Fundació Suñol, Barcelona, La Muntanya Màgica (Espai 13, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, 2014), Paràbola (Capella de Sant Roc, Valls) Collecting photographs of the family history (EspaiDos, Terrassa) and Strategias para desaparecer(La Capella, Espai Cub, Barcelona, BCN Producció 2011.
Amongst her group exhibitions include Once Upon a Place, L21 gallery, Can Marqués, Palma de Mallorca (2021), Elogi del malentès (MAC Mataró, 2020), ¡FEMINISMS!, CCCB, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (2019), Imago vocis. ¿Echo of the Visible, Centro del Carmen, Valencia (2019), Measures, Cerezales Antonino and Cinia Foundation, León, Matèria Primera (Centre d’Art Fabra i Coats, Barcelona 2017-18), Caminar sobre el gel, (Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona, 2017), Espècies d’Espais (MACBA, 2015-16), ¿Per què no ho dius entropia? (Trobada de Cultura Contemporània de Guadalajara, Mèxico, 2015), The air was full of anticipation (BF15, Lió 2015), The World of Interiors (The Green Parrot, Barcelona, 2014) i El futur no espera (La Capella, BCN Producció, 2014), La Dissidència nostàlgica, La Capella, Barcelona (2017).
Works in the collection: